For parents

Somtimes children are not happy and you as a parent can not help them. This can be a powerless feeling. As a parent you want the best for your child, but sometimes you are too close to the child to change things.

One of the possibilities is to find a child therapist. It might be easier for kids to talk about difficult things to someone that is not part of the situation and that knows how to talk to children. In this form of therapy parents are taken very seriously and are important in the process of helping the child. Before the intake, parents (and the teen) get a questionnaire so we can focus on the important things during the intake. Important to me is to help parents to support this particular child. When necessarry I can also join a meeting of school and parents.

Parent counseling

One or a few sessions of parent counseling are also a possibility. This can be an option when you know the problem is mainly in the interaction between you and your child, when the child is too young, the child doesn’t want to come or in difficult divorce situations.